St. John Lutheran Church

Getting Involved

Time and Talent Survey Information 

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Committee Service Descriptions

​Worship - The basic objective of this committee is to provide a worship environment that exemplifies the celebration of God's Word and the sacraments. What will this committee need to do to fulfill this objective?

 1.  A council member may chair the committee.
 2.  Set meeting dates and times and notify the church office to be included on the church calendar so pastor can attend.
 3.  A secretary shall be appointed or elected to keep a permanent record of all meetings and supply a copy of the meeting minutes to the church office.  A copy of the minutes shall be kept in the church office and copies distributed to the congregation council.
 4.  Determine items to be brought to the congregation council as a report and/or for council action.
 5.  Utilize the bulletin and newsletter for publicizing committee and congregational activities.
      (Newsletters printed monthly and deadline to submit information is the 15th of each month.
      Bulletin information is due in the church office by Thursdays.)
 6.  Prepare and submit an annual committee budget for the annual meeting report, and an annual committee report to be printed in the annual report for the annual meeting of the congregation.
 7.  Arrange for supply pastors, and guest speakers as needed in consultation with pastoral staff.
 8.  Schedule communion services in conjunction with the pastors.
 9.  Approve and disapprove new forms of worship liturgies and hymns for use in congregational worship.
10. Plan regular and special services and publicize them.
11. Oversee the music department:
      a.   Secure organists, pianists, choirs and directors, and any others for special music.
      b.   Select and purchase appropriate music.
      c.   Annually evaluate job performance of the music staff.
12. Coordinate with the Altar Guild, or special committees, all sanctuary decorations and the distribution of flowers to the sick and shut-ins when applicable.
13. Coordinate the use of all visual arts to enhance the worship and faith of the congregation.
14. Secure, train and supervise the communion assistants, lectors, ushers, greeters, nursery attendants, and sound system operators.
15. Provide for the recording of the worship services and distribution of the tapes.

16. Maintain an adequate supply of expendable items for worship such as worship and communion registration, pencils, communion wine and bread, baptismal napkins, candles, etc., in conjunction with the Altar Guild and church office.

Parish Education - The basic objective of this committee is to direct the educational programs of the church.
What will this committee need to do to fulfill this objective?

 1.  The Sunday School superintendent may chair the committee.
 2.  Set meeting dates and times and notify the church office to be included on the church calendar so pastor can attend.
 3.  A secretary shall be appointed or elected to keep a permanent record of all meetings and supply a copy of the meeting minutes to the church office.  A copy of the minutes shall be kept in the church office and copies distributed to the congregation council.
 4.  Determine items to be brought to the congregation council as a report and/or for council action.
 5.  Utilize the bulletin and newsletter for publicizing committee and congregational activities.
      (Newsletters printed monthly and deadline to submit information is the 15th of each month.
      Bulletin information is due in the church office by Thursdays.)
 6.  Prepare and submit an annual committee budget for the annual meeting report, and an annual committee report to be printed in the annual report for the annual meeting of the congregation.
 7.  Be responsible for the Christian nurture of both the youth and adults in the congregation.
 8.  Establish objectives and policies for all education programs.
 9.  Enlist lay teachers and leaders for the education programs of the congregation, and evaluate their job performance.
10. Encourage participation of the total membership of the congregation in its total education programs, including Bible study groups.
11. Approve curriculum and analyze the effectiveness of the education programs.
12. Encourage growth of the educational staff through conferences, conventions, continuing education, and the like, and request the necessary funds for the same in the yearly budget.
13. Serve as congregation representative to the Bible Camp and promote the use of and support of the Camp ministries.
14. Maintain, improve, cultivate, and promote use of audiovisual aids and the church library.
15. Provide educational opportunities for mentally and/or physically handicapped.
16. Inform the church office of non-member students and visitors involved in the education programs.
17. Provide and/or promote subscriptions to church periodicals.
18. Annually examine the education facilities and equipment, including the safety of such, and make recommendations to the Property Committee as to upkeep, repairs, and replacements needed.

Youth - The basic objective of this committee is to coordinate all youth activities in the church by involving the young people in the work of Christ, providing for their spiritual growth and nurture, and promoting genuine Christian fellowship.
What will this committee need to do to fulfill this objective?

1.  A council member may chair the committee.
 2.  Set meeting dates and times and notify the church office to be included on the church calendar so pastor can attend.
 3.  A secretary shall be appointed or elected to keep a permanent record of all meetings and supply a copy of the meeting minutes to the church office.  A copy of the minutes shall be kept in the church office and copies distributed to the congregation council.
 4.  Determine items to be brought to the congregation council as a report and/or for council action.
 5.  Utilize the bulletin and newsletter for publicizing committee and congregational activities.
      (Newsletters printed monthly and deadline to submit information is the 15th of each month.
      Bulletin information is due in the church office by Thursdays.)
 6.  Prepare and submit an annual committee budget for the annual meeting report, and an annual committee report to be printed in the annual report for the annual meeting of the congregation.
 7.  Promote attendance and involvement of the congregation’s youth at all youth activities—recreational, social, spiritual.
 8.  Provide for the continuing spiritual growth of the young people of the congregation through Bible study, prayer and Christian service, and encourage participation in the life and ministry of the congregation.
 9.  Provide opportunities for youth involvement as servants in the life of the community, such as: civic, school, cultural, humanitarian, recreational, and social groups.
10. Actively engage in the selection and training of leaders for the youth program.
11. Develop programs to enhance Junior High involvement in the life and ministry of the congregation.
12. Plan a special event to welcome the newly confirmed young people of the congregation and to invite them to join the Lutheran Youth Organization.
13. Provide information to the youth and young adults relative to educational opportunities available in Lutheran secondary and higher educational institutions.
14. Plan and observe, together with the pastor(s), a monthly/yearly congregational Youth Sunday.
15. Welcome and use college students for various youth and young adult activities, such as: Student Recognition Sunday.
16. Provide for public recognition of various individual youth achievements and accomplishments, such as: academic, athletic, scholastic.
17. Recruit young people for full-time service in the church as pastors and associates in ministry.

​Parish Life-Evangelism - The basic objectives of this committee are to promote fellowship life, activities, and events for the congregation; encourage current members to reach out to those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior; encourage current members to serve the Lord Jesus Christ; promote evangelism and develop outreach programs within the community.
What will this committee need to do to fulfill this objective?

 1.  A council member may chair the committee.
 2.  Set meeting dates and times and notify the church office to be included on the church calendar so pastor can attend.
 3.  A secretary shall be appointed or elected to keep a permanent record of all meetings and supply a copy of the meeting minutes to the church office.  A copy of the minutes shall be kept in the church office and copies distributed to the congregation council.
 4.  Determine items to be brought to the congregation council as a report and/or for council action.
 5.  Utilize the bulletin and newsletter for publicizing committee and congregational activities.
      (Newsletters printed monthly and deadline to submit information is the 15th of each month.
      Bulletin information is due in the church office by Thursdays.)
 6.  Prepare and submit an annual committee budget for the annual meeting report.
 7.  Prepare and submit an annual committee report to be printed in the annual report for the annual meeting of the congregation.
 8.  Plan, supervise, and implement gatherings of the congregation throughout the year.  This will serve in the cultivation, reception, orientation, and integration of new families or individuals into our congregation.
 9.  Plan, supervise, and implement activities that encourage our members to reach out to those outside of our membership and to those within our membership.  These activities are to build up the body of Christ so all may come to know Christ and the power of His resurrection.
10. Be responsible for and supervise the use of the kitchen and purchase of supplies, basement, and the Royal Community Building, if and when used by St. John Lutheran Church.
11. Supervise the work of various clubs and organizations within the church, such as: the Hospitality Committee and Christmas Decorating Committee.
12. Supervise the Parish Nursing Program.

Hunger-Stewardship - The basic objective of this committee is to promote good stewardship in the congregation, develop an annual budget to present to the Congregation Council, and coordinate all relief and benevolence efforts.
What will this committee need to do to fulfill this objective?

 1.  A council member may chair the committee.
 2.  Set meeting dates and times and notify the church office to be included on the church calendar so pastor can attend.
 3.  A secretary shall be appointed or elected to keep a permanent record of all meetings and supply a copy of the meeting minutes to the church office.  A copy of the minutes shall be kept in the church office and copies distributed to the congregation council.
 4.  Determine items to be brought to the congregation council as a report and/or for council action.
 5.  Utilize the bulletin and newsletter for publicizing committee and congregational activities.        
      (Newsletters printed monthly and deadline to submit information is the 15th of each month.
      Bulletin information is due in the church office by Thursdays.)
 6.  Prepare and distribute guidelines for annual committee budgets.  Review budget requests and present to the Congregation Council in summary form.
 7.  Prepare and submit an annual committee budget for the annual meeting report.
 8.  Prepare and submit an annual committee report to be printed in the annual report for the annual meeting of the congregation.
  9. All requests for budgeted expenditures must be approved by the committee chairperson or designee. All non-budgeted expenditures must be approved by the entire committee, and council.
      (ie.  Transfer of funds from one line item to another within the committee budget.)
10. Conduct annually a program to encourage every member to personally use basic Biblical stewardship principles and give every member an opportunity to make a commitment of time, talent, and financial resources.
11. Utilize a time and talent program and encourage committees to use the information.
12. Encourage stewardship programs in the societies and auxiliaries of the congregation.
13. Monitor the collection of worship offerings in the following areas:
      a.   Counting after worship.
      b.   Depositing at the bank.
      c.   Special offering designations.
      d.   Posting totals.
      e.   Evaluating (in conjunction with budget).
14. Oversee the Memorial Fund treasurer and administer the memorial funds including establishment of guidelines for the distribution of such funds.
15. Monitor activities of the St. John Lutheran Trust Fund.
16. Screen inside appeals for funds and initiate the necessary action appropriate to such an appeal.
      This includes drives by committees, men’s and women’s groups, youth, etc., and requests for Thrivent Financial funds.
17. The committee shall receive and review all materials from the North American Lutheran Church and its Mission Districts, and other agencies/organizations that apply to its range of responsibilities. It shall order or request those items deemed to be of interest and importance to the congregation.
18. Focus and concern of this committee is in the following areas:
      a.   Support of Local, U.S. and Global Benevolences/Missions
      b.   Distributions of Lent and Easter, Mission Festival, and Christmas offerings
      c.   Collection and distribution of projects for Lutheran World Relief, and
            local needs in Champaign and Vermillion Counties
      In consultation with the congregation council and pastor(s), committee members need to be informed, plan fund drives, advertise, collect funds, and distribute funds.
      When funds are distributed, they are to be accompanied by a letter on church letterhead and a copy retained in the church office for future reference.
19. The committee shall be on the alert and assess requests for needs in the lives and homes of members or neighbors.  Discreetly offer assistance or referral.
20. The committee may recommend speakers with expertise in matters of justice and social work to congregational groups/organizations or for special programs/gatherings.

Property - The basic objective of this committee is to coordinate maintenance and improvement of the church building, the parsonage, and all church grounds.
What will this committee need to do to fulfill this objective?

 1.  A council member may chair the committee.
 2.  Set meeting dates and times and notify the church office to be included on the church calendar so pastor can attend.
 3.  A secretary shall be appointed or elected to keep a permanent record of all meetings and supply a copy of the meeting minutes to the church office.  A copy of the minutes shall be kept in the church office and copies distributed to the congregation council.
 4.  Determine items to be brought to the congregation council as a report and/or for council action.
 5.  Utilize the bulletin and newsletter for publicizing committee and congregational activities.
      (Newsletters printed monthly and deadline to submit information is the 15th of each month.
      Bulletin information is due in the church office by Thursdays.)
 6.  Prepare and submit an annual committee budget for the annual meeting report, and an annual committee report to be printed in the annual report for the annual meeting of the congregation.
 7.  Work with the custodian(s) and meet periodically to discuss care of the building, needs, and problems in custodial service and the like.
 8.  Determine and engage, with congregation council approval, adequate custodial help including a detailed list of the required daily, weekly, monthly, or annual maintenance of the facilities and equipment of the congregation.
 9.  Make an annual inspection and inventory of all church properties, equipment, supplies, and recommend to the congregation needed repairs, improvements, or replacements.
10. Supervise, control and recommend adequate storage facilities for all church property, equipment and supplies and the orderly maintenance of the same, including service contracts of the organ, office machines and the like.
11. Carry out all resolutions of the congregation meeting and council on purchases, repairs, replacement of church property and equipment.
12. Annually check the adequacy of all types of insurance for church property and equipment, and negotiate insurance contracts.
13. Check all property twice a year for fire hazards.
14. Enlist work crews for trimming of trees, shrubs and bushes; spraying for weeds; snow removal; special repairs and improvements; cleaning; painting; decorating; landscaping; and other projects.
15. Obtain legal information necessary for the wise consideration of contracts, deeds, and the like by the congregation.
16. Set all policies and fees for rental, use and lending of church properties.

Nominating - The basic objective of this committee is to secure people to serve on the congregation council and committees.  A slate of names and positions is to be voted on at a congregation meeting.

1.   The committee shall report their progress and give a final report to the congregation council by the regular October council meeting.
2.   The committee shall review the list of candidates whose terms have expired and the list of other offices that need to be filled at the annual congregation meeting.
3.   The committee shall review committee goals and objectives for the various elected positions; review the leadership qualities needed for the office; compile a list of potential nominees and personally contact the nominees and receive their consent before a final report is submitted.
4.   It is recommended that the committee solicit nominations from committee members.
5.   A brief biography of nominees could be printed in the newsletter and in the bulletin so all members of the congregation could know who they are electing.
6.   Desired leadership qualities of nominees:
      a.   Is a devout Christian.
            1.         Attends worship regularly.
            2.         Takes communion regularly.
            3.         Participates in Bible Study.
      b.   Is an active church member.
            1.         Contributes regularly.
            2.         Serves on or through a committee.
      c.   Has leadership abilities.
            1.         Willing to delegate and share responsibilities.
            2.         Able to motivate others to participate.